We’ve known since creation that God is triune. He said, “let us make man in our image, in our likeness” (Gen. 1:26). So where does the notion of a needy, demanding, solitary God come from?
June 29, 2021
I’ve been a guest at some super fancy houses. Exhausted one summer, I visited a friend who lives by the sea. Smiling, she hugged me, settled me into a wicker chaise lounge on her wrap-around porch, put a chilled white wine in my hand, and treated me like royalty. I was accepted and cared for in these luxurious surroundings.
June 22, 2021
Curiosity is a child hungry for new ideas. Like a finch in Spring, he gathers little seeds of knowledge, but his attention flits here and there, directionless. “More!” he squawks. Without guidance, he becomes greedy and grasping. Curiosity is merely a collector.
June 14, 2021
Many of my fondest memories as a welcomed guest take place in one room, or even in one part of one room. Any semi-cleared spot can be a space for acceptance: a place to be heard. I don’t have to go crazy getting my entire house “company-ready” for my visiting friends to be loved.
June 1, 2021