Signup to download 5 simple Prayers that can obliterate anxiety

By Brandon Booth
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What's in the book

From the author, Brandon Booth: 

For as long as I can remember I've struggled with anxiety. "What if's" buzz in my brain like angry hornets. Debilitating panic attacks have kept me from being present with those I love most. Through therapy, support, and especially prayer, I've found relief. It's not perfect. I still struggle. But when I do, these prayers are my trusty weapons. For me, they have the power to obliterate anxiety.

I walk through each prayer step-by-step, explaining why it is effective, and how to incorporate it into your daily routine. By the end of this guide, you will have a powerful toolset to combat anxiety.

Contents include

  • Praying with your breath, grounding prayer, praying the kyrie, and more.
  • Beautiful images and scripture paired with each prayer
  • How to pray with your body as well as your mind
  • Practice these prayers daily and grow in intimacy with God and inner peace.

These prayers aren't a "cure," but whenever I face overwhelming fear these prayers are my trusty weapons. For me, they have the power to obliterate anxiety.

Ready to find calm through trusting Jesus? Sign up to In the Meantime, our free weekly email that will help lift your gaze from the chaos of life and attend to the loving presence of Jesus and get this ebook totally free!

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