There may be a lot of reasons we feel we shouldn't receive or don't deserve soul care. But I assure you, they are all bogus. You are worth my time! You matter!
August 28, 2023
The relentless cries of a child and how they illuminate our relationship with God.
August 21, 2023
Here's a wonderful blog from our dear friend, Niecy LoCricchio about her experience with the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises! Niecy is founder of The Soul Care Place; a spiritual director, Ignatian Exercises companion, and retreat creator. Enjoy :)
August 15, 2023
It is a common experience to practice slowing down only to encounter a host of unwanted thoughts and feelings waiting for us in the stillness. So, why in the world would we invite you to slow down at all? God gives us a tremendous gift in the midst of these still, quiet, and uncomfortable moments of slowing down...
July 27, 2023