Unfolding Grace: Transforming Anxiety into Art

When I’m anxious I have an odd habit of folding paper. With anxious precision my fingers crease and re-crease a once-crisp sheet until it becomes worn and frayed.
I don’t know why I do this, but it mirrors what’s going on inside my head. My thoughts, like the paper, fold and refold in on themselves until I’m worn out. Anxiety focuses my attention ever more narrowly. It crumples me up.
Prayer is a different move. It can first “unfold” my attention. Opening it up to the greater reality of God all around me—of God for me. Like a deep breath, or a wave of relaxation through my shoulders, it allows me to notice my spacious home in the Spirit.

For me this isn’t just poetic language. There is a literal connection between praying with my breath and the unfolding of my attention.
As my lungs expand, drawing in life, my mind can let go its death grip on fear. It’s more free to notice the present moment. The clean air, a beautiful sky, a comfy chair.
Just as my body is supported and sustained, so my soul is enveloped in God’s providential care. These are not vain hopes to be wished for, but current realities to be received. “Surely goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the Lord as long as I live!” (Ps 23:6).
And if you are wondering how you might practice this prayerful unfolding yourself, I invite you to join me for a free, mini-workshop this Sunday afternoon. I’ll personally guide you through it. I even have an exclusive worksheet just for attendees that you can learn to use at home. 😃
To be clear. This isn’t a cure. I still frequently experience anxiety. But prayer has helped me transform my chaotic, crumpled mind into something more like origami. An unfolding of my attention so that it might be reshaped by the hands of the Master into something beautiful.
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