
The cure for cynicism

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The cure for cynicism

Peter Gammell
Peter Gammell
September 21, 2023

Cynicism is being suspicious of everyone’s motives. For me, cynicism starts from my own insecurities. At times I doubt that my friends and family, even my wife, actually love me.

I look at myself and quickly conclude that anyone who could love me is clearly delusional or they have other motives. The loud voices of my insecurities urge me, “run away and you’ll be safe!” And yet, running never solves my problems.

But on the cross, Jesus put an end to all that could truly harm me. He defeated sin, death, and the devil so that nothing could isolate me from him.

He graciously reminds me that I belong to him! As Jesus proves himself loving and selfless over and over, my confidence in in him is restored. I am free to receive love and give love because I am loved by Jesus. I breathe easily again because my insecurities and self-judgments are not final. Jesus says I’m his beloved

And in his arms I am secure.

You might be interested in this conversation I had with Brandon on our podcast last week. And I highly recommend Brenning Manning’s book The Ragamuffin Gospel.

Invitation to practice

  1. Grab your journal! Write about one or two insecurities or doubts that have you on the run. As you become aware of them, offer them to Jesus in prayer and ask him to make his loving judgments known to you.
  2. Sit down and read Psalm 46. Notice the context around the familiar verse, “Be still and know that I am God.” Take a few deep breaths, relax those shoulders, and let it sink in that God is God and you are not.

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