
Q&A - Why don't I feel loved by God unconditionally?

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Q&A - Why don't I feel loved by God unconditionally?

Peter Gammell
Peter Gammell
September 16, 2024

Q: Why don't I feel loved by God unconditionally?

A: From Peter: I suspect that one of the reasons we can't fully grasp or feel God's unconditional love is that we have abundant examples of conditional love. Our lived experience in this world is that "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." We're used to getting offers that end with a rushed voice saying, "terms and conditions apply, offer not valid if... see site for details." Plus, if we're honest with ourselves, we don't love unconditionally either. When our experience conflicts with abstract knowledge, oftentimes our experience wins out. So, it's not surprising that we regard the idea of God's unconditional love with a measure of skepticism.

First off,  you can take a deep breath, you're in good company if you struggle to feel loved by God. We get it. One of the main reasons we exist as a ministry is because we know how crumby it is to feel disconnected from God. We want to strengthen your relationship with God and walk alongside you with compassion.

One of the ways I myself have experienced reconnection with Jesus is through spiritual direction. It's been so helpful for me to have someone listen to me and help me notice God's presence and experience his love. We would be honored to be able to walk alongside you through spiritual direction. Schedule a time now :)

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