
Daily Bread: God knows what I need

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Daily Bread: God knows what I need

Peter Gammell
Peter Gammell
September 3, 2024

The night had just begun and I was lying in bed, stewing on my thoughts. I wasn’t clear about much outside of the fact that I had been a jerk to my wife. I was just feeling so frustrated and stirred up! I was exhausted and not functioning remotely close to my best. Benjamin had been a bear that day and I was bracing for what I thought would be a long night of little sleep, tending to a fussy child.

It had been one of those days where no matter how we tried to meet Ben's needs, he would not be consoled. And let me tell you, it really hits a nerve when I’ve tried everything to care for Ben and he's still crying bloody murder. It’s like he has no idea what he needs but he’s wailing because he knows something is not right. I feel so helpless in those moments! It hurts my heart to not know how to comfort my son and it makes me feel like a horrible dad.

So there I was lying in bed, about to cry and crying out to God to help me cut through the whirling chaos in my head. What he brought to my attention was how Ben and I were in a similar place. We both had no idea what we really needed, we were just crying because something felt wrong. It was humbling to identify with a fussy baby, but at the same time it allowed a little compassion and understanding to break through the chaos and frustration.

Reflecting on this experience afterwards, I have been drawn to a specific line from The Lord’s Prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread.” Jesus, in teaching us to pray for our daily bread, gives us such a gracious catch-all. We don't need to have clarity about what's going on before we come to God for help. We can lift up this holy generality and trust that God knows exactly what we need and that he will give us what we need. Our Father is the type of person who runs towards the confused, hurting and helpless. His heart is stirred with compassion and he desires nothing more than to be with his children and provide their daily bread. What a comfort!

Friend, whatever your life circumstances that have you weary and confused, know that our Father loves you dearly and promises to answer your simple request for daily bread.

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