Resources that connect you more deeply with God and others
Spiritual direction: confidential, one-on-one sessions, online or in person. A spiritual director directs your attention to Jesus and helps you deepen your intimacy with him.
“I have been rejected and hurt by a lot of Christians along the way. In spiritual direction, I feel truly loved and cared for. I feel seen and heard in a way I haven’t felt in awhile.”
"At the retreat, God reminded me that I am fully and completely loved by him. I am his and am secure in him. God also reminded me of his character. He IS faithful and loving at all times. That is who he is FOR ME."
"In spiritual direction I was actually able to talk to Jesus about my fears in an honest way. This seems so simple and yet I have not been able to turn to Jesus looking for comfort in a very long time."
Rest for your soul and new direction for your spiritual journey. Disconnect from distraction and re-engage with God in the beautiful Colorado Rockies. Our spring retreat is for anyone beginning to learn the powerful practices of stillness, silence, and solitude. It's the perfect balance of structure, teaching, and freedom.
Christ-Centered Spiritual Direction: Insights from Lutheran Spirituality with Brandon Booth
Saturday, Aug 23, 2025 11:00 - 12:30 AM MST
11:00 am
12:30 pm
Mountain Time
Cost: $
In this presentation Brandon will explore the history of spiritual direction and offer insights from Lutheran Spirituality. The unique and sometimes surprising perspectives of Lutheran Spirituality can help us see our directees and the work of a spiritual director with fresh eyes. Come and be prepared to be delighted, challenged, and encouraged!
Rest for your soul and new direction for your spiritual journey. Disconnect from distraction and re-engage with God in the beautiful Colorado Rockies. Our fall retreat is less structured, there is a lot more time set aside for solitude and private prayer. We still offer support, but it's perfect for someone who is comfortable with more freedom.
Advent: The Way Things Really Are. With Rev. Dr. Les Martin
Saturday, Nov 22, 2025 11:00 - 12:30 AM MST
11:00 am
12:30 pm
Mountain Time
Cost: $
Advent is about revelation. Whether we are speaking of the first or second coming of Our Lord, the season endeavors to tell us the way things really are. In this talk, we will seek to understand the liturgical framework of the season, apply it to our own spirituality, and also consider how the practices of Advent can be a source of revelation for those we work with as spiritual directors.
A quarterly meetup of Liturgical and Sacramental Spiritual Directors.